Welcome to the Traill County Achievement Days!
Pease log in with the GREEN 4HOnline button.
Before registering- please confirm that youth are enrolled in the project area in 4HOnline for the exhibit they plan to show. Youth will NOT be able to register an exhibit in a project area they are not enrolled in through 4HOnline.
Please reference the Traill County Exhibit book and packet mailed out to your family and the North Dakota State Fair Book for a complete description of each Class and Lots.
Tips for Exhibitor making Online Entries:
Static and Animal submissions are final. No Additions or substitutions will be accepted on the day of Achievement Days.
Descriptions: The description text box is for you to provide a detailed description of your exhibit so that county staff and ND State Fair staff know exactly what to look for upon check in and exhibition.
If you have any questions about registering exhibits, please call the Traill County Extension office at (701)636-5665 or email Katie at katie.mueller@ndsu.edu
You will receive a confirmation email when you submit the exhibits. Make sure you enter all exhibits for your entire family before proceeding to the “Payment” section. The payment section will have a zero balance, but this section is required for registration. Once you submit your exhibits, county staff will approve them. After approval, you will re-gain access to your account to make any edits or changes.
Good luck and can't wait to see you at Achievement Days!
If you don't have a 4HOnline account, sign-in with your FairEntry account: